Paying bills is no one’s favorite thing to do, regardless of where you live. When it comes to paying though, the easier it is the less painful it will be. This is another area in which Japan stands out among the rest.
There are a variety of convenient ways you can pay your bills in Japan, whether it is your utility bills, your phone bill, or even health bills. Keep in mind though that while Japan is very technologically advanced, it is still a very cash-based society, so do not leave home without cash or at least a cash card (bank card). In this article, we will go through the pros and cons of paying bills in Japan at various locations.
To learn about public utility prices in Japan, please check this article. We also have many other articles that will help you with daily life in Japan including buying a SIM Card, disposal of oversized garbage, buying prescription glasses and contact lenses, international money transfers from Japan, and more.
Visiting a convenience store (konbini), is perhaps the most hassle-free way of paying bills in Japan. All you do is take your bill to the nearest 7-11, Lawson, FamilyMart, or other stores of your choice and hand your bill to the clerk.
The pros are:
The downsides are:
If you prefer to pay your bills from the comfort and privacy of your home instead of venturing out to the nearest konbini, you can of course do a bank transfer. This type of payment is called 口座振込(kouza furikomi) in Japanese. If you’d like to set up a bank transfer via the internet, you should keep the following in mind.
The pros of bank transfers are:
But there are some hurdles to the process:
Taking the bill directly to your nearest bank branch or ATM is another way to do a bank transfer. Again the ability to read Japanese is required and a processing fee is charged. If you do not have a bank account in Japan, please check "How to Open a Bank Account in Japan".
The question of how to pay bills in Japan is not always simply a matter of pure convenience, but also of time. If you do not want to go somewhere to pay your bill each month, you can arrange to have utility bills automatically paid out of your bank account or from your credit card. In order to set this up, you will need to get an application form from the utility company for the method you want to arrange. You provide the appropriate account or credit card information on the application form and then return it to the utility company.
The pros:
The cons:
As last resort, especially in the event that you happen to miss a month, one way of paying bills in Japan is to go directly to the customer service center or store of the company that issued you a bill and pay it there.
The pros:
The cons:
You could take the time to learn each and every kanji character on the Japanese bills you receive, but why not keep it simple? Most of the time, paying bills in Japan is simply a matter of handing the appropriate one to a clerk without saying a word, much less reading one! They will simply scan the bar code, stamp the bill right inside the circle, ask you to press a button on the register screen confirming the amount, and give you a copy of the receipt along with a separate konbini one.
If you are concerned about making the wrong payment, have no fear: The amount due is always listed on the bill in an easy-to-see location. While there are several ways to denote monetary amounts depending on the situation, the easiest thing is just to look for this symbol: 金 (kane) which means “money”. The amount shown may not always be indicated as yen (¥), but rest assured you are probably not paying thousands of dollars in utilities per month—for example, the amount above comes to about $100 US dollars.
Especially if you have an overdue payment, there are cases where you have to mail in a given bill yourself. In the case of an overdue payment, the company will usually send a new notice the size of a postcard with a new barcode that you pay with. In lieu of mailing it in, you may have to go to the bank and take care of it. The konbini does not usually handle past-due bills.
There is no magic answer to the question of how to pay bills in Japan—with so many places to do it so conveniently, you should feel free to mix and match. You may find utility bills are best paid at the konbini, while you can arrange for your cellphone bills to be charged to your credit card. Online bank transfers may be the best way to pay your credit card bills if it is a substantial sum and you do not want to handle large sums of cash. Use whichever method you find most convenient and that will allow you to pay your bills on time!
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