This article is contributed by Asahi Research Institute LLC.
In Japan, there is a serious shortage of cab drivers. Therefore, many rules have been changed to allow not only Japanese but also foreigners living in Japan to work as cab drivers, as follows:
・The addition of motor transportation business such as cab, bus, and truck drivers to the "Specified Skilled Worker" status of residence is being considered
・Class 2 Driver's License written test to be more multilingual
・Abolition of the geography test
Let's have a look at each in detail.
To work as a cab driver, in addition to the status of "permanent resident," "spouse or child of Japanese national," "spouse or child of permanent resident," or "long term resident," a "Designated Activities 46" status of residence has been required.
“Designated Activities 46" is a work visa based on the assumption that the applicant will make use of specialized knowledge acquired at a Japanese university or institution of higher education, as well as advanced Japanese language skills developed through his/her experience as an international student.
Having the general status of residence "Engineer/Humanities/International Services" is not enough to become a cab driver.
Under these circumstances, in September 2023, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism began considering adding cab, truck, and bus drivers to the "Specified Skilled Worker" status of residence for foreign workers.
This is a big change for foreigners living in Japan.
A "Class 2 Driver's License" is required to become a cab driver.
Until now, the written test for the Class 2 driver's license was only available in Japanese. Therefore, in December 2023, the Metropolitan Police Department decided to distribute sample questions for the written exam in multiple languages to make it easier for foreigners to obtain a Class 2 license, in response to the serious shortage of labor in the cab business. The 20 languages covered include English, Chinese, Vietnamese and Ukrainian. They are also considering shortening the training period by one or two days, which will make it even easier to obtain a Class 2 Driver's License.
The geography tests conducted in 13 cities, including Tokyo, Fukuoka, and Sendai, are also under consideration to be abolished in September 2023. These geography tests, which are required to become a cab driver in 13 cities, are also difficult to pass, even for Japanese, with a pass rate of about 50%.
One of the reasons for considering abolishing the geography test is that most cabs are now equipped with in-car navigation systems, and also app-based dispatch requests are increasing, making it possible to operate a cab business without necessarily being familiar with the geography of the area where the business is to be operated.
Cab companies are willing to hire foreign drivers. However, many foreigners living in Japan may not know which company to choose when they are ready to interview with cab companies. Some companies will cover the cost of a Class 2 Driver's License, while others will require you to pay for it yourself.
Some companies have introduced car dispatch apps, while others have not introduced any apps at all. Some companies are not even ready to accept foreign drivers. In such cases, feel free to contact Asahi Research Institute LLC.
We will introduce you to cab companies that match your area of residence, working style, and desired salary. The service is provided completely free of charge.
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