There are many job titles that are commonly used in Japanese companies. Sometimes even some Japanese people find this system complicated and difficult to understand.
To help understand this confusing topic, we have complied a list of commonly used Japanese job titles along with the rankings of each position in a company.
Although the meanings, roles, and responsibilities of each job title can differ from company to company and job titles do no have any legal provisions, gaining a better understanding of the standard uses of each title along with their rankings with in a company will make it much easier for one to understand the role of each employee within a company.
If you work in Japan and have difficulty understanding your Japanese payslip, office documents, or answering phone calls, please check these articles: "Translating Your Japanese Payslip: Essential Vocabulary", "Japanese Office Documents", and "Business Telephone Conversations in Japanese". Understanding Japanese business etiquette is also important if you work or conduct business in Japan. The articles on business card etiquette in Japan and dress code will provide you with useful information.
The table below lists Japanese job titles in descending order from higher positions. Please note that the ranking of the Auditor, Senior Advisor, and Advisor may not apply to this order.
Chairman / Chairperson | Kaichō | 会長 |
Vice Chairman / Chairperson | Fuku-kaichō | 副会長 |
President | (Torishimariyaku) Shachō | (取締役)社長 |
(Executive) Vice President | (Torishimariyaku) Fuku-shachō | (取締役)副社長 |
Representative Director | Daihyō Torishimariyaku | 代表取締役 |
Senior Managing Director | Senmu Torishimariyaku | 専務取締役 |
Managing Director | Jōmu Torishimariyaku | 常務取締役 |
Managing Director | Riji | 理事 |
Director | Torishimariyaku | 取締役 |
General Manager | Buchō | 部長 |
Auditor | Kansayaku | 監査役 |
Senior Advisor | Soudan-yaku | 相談役 |
Advisor | Komon | 顧問 |
Deputy General Manager | Buchō-dairi | 部長代理 |
Assistant General Manager | Jichō | 次長 |
Manager | Shitsuchō | 室長 |
Manager | Kachō | 課長 |
Deputy Manager | Kachō-dairi | 課長代理 |
Assistant Manager | Kachō-hosa | 課長補佐 |
Chief Clerk / Section Chief | Kakarichō | 係長 |
Assistant section chief | Shusa | 主査 |
Supervisor / Chief | Shunin | 主任 |
These words are very commonly used in Japanese work environment.
Employee | Jūgyōin | 従業員 |
Boss | Jōshi | 上司 |
Team member (Subordinate) | Buka | 部下 |
Senior | Senpai | 先輩 |
Junior | Kōhai | 後輩 |
Colleague | Dōryō | 同僚 |
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