Introducing schools, kindergarten schools, and pre-schools with curriculum and education of country of origin in mainly an English speaking environment for foreigners. If you are looking for International Baccalaureate (IB) or Cambridge A Level accredited schools, please refer to this page.
Grades: Elementary School
Grades: Preschool (2 - 6 years old)
Grades: Kindergarten (Ages 3 - 6) - 18 years old
Grades: Ages 2.5 - 18 years old (Grade12)
Grades: 18 mons - 6 yrs old
Grades: Kindergarten - Grade 11
Grades: 18 months - 6 years old
Grades: Ages 2.5 years - Grade 12
Grades: Age 6 months - 6 years old
Grades: Ages 12 mons - 6 yrs old
Grades: Grade 1 of elementary school to Grade 3 of Junior High School
Grades: Preschool - Elementary School
Grades: Ages 3 - 18 yrs old (Grade 12)
Grades: Pre-school (age 4yrs old) - Grade 12
Grades: Kindergarten(age 4) - Grade 9
Grades: 5 years ~ 18 years (Grade 12)
Grades: Preschool - Elementary School
Grades: 2 - 9 years old
Grades: Preschool - Elementary School
Grades: Pre-school - Kindergarten
Grades: Preschool - Kindergarten
Grades: Preschool - Kindergarten
Grades: Preschool - Elementary School
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